Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Meet Mae MacKenzie

Today we have Mae MacKenzie for an interview. You know her as Arabella’s mom and Liam’s Meemaw but I think it is time we get to know just a bit more about her.

Name: Mae Mackenzie

Age: 54

Hometown: Prairie Knoll

Dream job: day care

Best friend: Duncan

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would u go and why?
I always wanted to go to Maine and Vermont because of the Bing Crosby movies I watched when I was a kid and shows like that where people have inns and horse drawn sleighs, go ice skating on creeks.

What 5 people dead or alive would you have at a dinner party?
Just my  family


Color: pale blue

Drink: iced coffee


Favorite artist is Reba McEntire
 Song is Dolly Pardon’s Island of the Stream

 Movie/tv show:
South Pacific

staring at my husband in study hall in  the auditorium in high school. I stared at the back of his head until he looked at me then I would look away. He would try to catch me watching him. We (my friend and I) used to walk by him as much as we could because he and his friends always hung out in front of this one class and my friend and I walked by to try to get his attention.

Season: Fall

Holiday: Halloween because of the time of year. When I was younger it was Easter because of springtime and flowers

this OR that

books or movies: movies

inside or outside: outside

theme park or carnival: carnival

city or country: country

dog or cat: cat as long as it’s not in the house

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